
The Montessori Method is an educational approach designed to take full advantage of the child’s self-motivation and unique abilities.


Children are valued as unique individuals, learning and advancing at their own pace, guided by teachers.  


Beginning at early ages, Montessori nurtures independence through self-regulation through routines and intentional classroom settings.


Multi-age Montessori classrooms foster a family-like community where older students nurture and mentor younger students. Teachers model kindness and respect in a loving environment.


Working within parameters and classroom routines, students are able to choose what they work on and become active participants and advocates for their own education

Social Emotional

Montessori's 100-year-old method supports and encourages social-emotional development through support of independence, self-regulation, kindness, and respect.

At Wellington, our curriculum includes experiences in: musical theater, instrument lessons, foreign language introduction, computer classes, cross-country running, and more.

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